Evaluation of resprouts as a restoration response in an oak-pine forest impacted by forest fires



Pinus oocarpa, Quercus resinosa, Quercus viminea, passive restoration, fire severity


In Mexico, temperate forests face a high incidence of fires that compromise their resilience. This study examines the resprouting response of dominant tree species in oak-pine forests following high-severity fires in the “La Primavera” Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Jalisco. Resprouting and assessments of environmental, topographic, and vegetation structural variables were conducted at 12 sites affected by fires in 2012 and 2019, across flat and slope topographies. Dominant resprouting species include Pinus oocarpa, Quercus resinosa, and Q. viminea. The probability of resprouting in P. oocarpa was positively influenced by the density of charred trees, the number of stumps, and charred pines. For the two Quercus species, resprouting depended on the presence of charred trees and the number of branches. These findings provide a basis for guiding decision-making in conservation and ecological restoration actions for oak-pine forests affected by high-severity fires.


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