Physicochemical characteristics and harvest indices of Agave cupreata


  • Dolores Vargas-Álvarez Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Abelardo Analco Hernández Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Agustín Damián Nava Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Alberto Francisco Palemón Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Jaimes Flaviano Godínez Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Mairel Valle de la Paz Universidad autónoma de guerrero
  • Elías Hernández Castro Universidad autónoma de guerrero


capon, velilla, maturity, agave


Objective: Evaluate the characterization of the types of agaves harvested in different stages of maturity in raw and cooked status. Design/methodology/approach: A completely randomized design was used. Agave cupreata plants were collected from the wild in two stages of maturity, Velilla and Capón. The collection was carried out in the town of Petaquillas, municipality of Chilpancingo, Guerrero. Plants that reached an age of 9 to 12 years were selected. The stalk were cut for pineapple extraction. 500 g of sample were taken, which were washed with running water. For both stages of maturity, the amount of juice was measured and later the amount of wet fiber, moisture percentage and Brix degrees were determined. The cooking process was carried out in a stone and wood oven for a period of 3 days, once the amount of juice, amount of fiber, humidity and Brix degrees were determined. Results: The raw Capón agave had a higher amount of juice and fiber, but a lower amount of moisture and Brix degrees compared to the velilla. The increase in Brix degrees can be observed in the capón cooked agave, this increase was not observed in the case of velilla. After the cooking process, the amount of fibers is slightly increased in both states of maturity. The velilla maguey showed a lower yield than the capón, although it is the most abundant point of maturity used by producers. Limitations on study/implications: It is important to control and standardize the processes for obtaining mezcal to increase its performance. In addition, a sustainable management of this species in obtaining mezcal. Findings/conclusions: The capón state of maturity was the one that proved to be the best stage of maturity in the agave harvest for the production of mezcal, since its production of soluble solids such as sugars is higher.


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