Typing of the bovine rabies prediction curve in Nayarit during 2017


  • Luis Gutiérrez-Plascencia Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Bladimir Peña-Parra Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Fidel Ávila-Ramos Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Eligio Parra Navarro Comisión México Estados Unidos para la prevención de la fiebre aftosa


According to epidemiological records from the Directorate of Zoosanitary Campaigns, from 2001 to October 2010 in Mexico, the prevalence of Bovine Paralytic Rabies increased from 3.80% to 5.63%. The livestock inventory published by INEGI in 2017 showed that there were 31,948,274 heads of cattle in Mexico and in Nayarit the cattle inventory was 522,496. In the state, the cattle are predominantly Creole, Zebu and, to a lesser extent, European breeds. Most of them are in an extensive system, which makes them susceptible to attack by bats, which live in caves, rock fissures, hollows in trunks, mines, sewers, archaeological ruins, abandoned houses, basements and wells. Therefore, the objective was to analyze the incidence and classify the prediction curve of bovine rabies in Nayarit during 2017. The incidence of bovine paralytic rabies in 15 municipalities of Nayarit was 2.8%, cases occurred both on the coast and in the mountains and most occurred in summer and fall. A mathematical equation for the prediction of this disease was classified for each different area and by substitution one for each season of the year.


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